Stellar Con 41 (2025)

Specific Date TBD

About us

StellarCon has been proudly serving the Greensboro and University of North Carolina at Greensboro Since 1976. We had our most recent succesful convention on April 6th-7th, 2024.

Our goal is to bring together fans of all genres to celebrate and explore the worlds of science fiction and fantasy. With a variety of panels, workshops, and special guests, StellarCon offers a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and discover new and exciting stories and ideas.

StellarCon has a rich history in the Greensboro and UNCG communities. Founded in 1976 as a part of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Federation clubs yearly events, in march, the convention has been a staple event for North Carolinian science fiction and fantasy fans for over four decades. Run almost entirely by students at UNCG, StellarCon is now back and running again! In the spring of 2025 we will be entertaining the Greensboro area with our 41st convention!

What sets StellarCon apart from other conventions is its dedication to providing an enlightening and entertaining experience for all attendees. Being based out of a University, we strive to provide both a fun but also an educational experience. 

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